Real Shellac Record Clock - Recycle Project

PLEASE NOTE! You will receive a random clock with a random label. Clock made from a real recycled 78 RPM Shellac record. Made from an original used record (with signs of wear) A Bennies Fifties... Read more

€ 19,95

Product information Real Shellac Record Clock - Recycle Project

PLEASE NOTE! You will receive a random clock with a random label. Clock made from a real recycled 78 RPM Shellac record. Made from an original used record (with signs of wear) A Bennies Fifties - Fifties Store exclusive product. 27 x 22 cm A historical piece of early mid-century music repurposed into a clock. A memory of days gone by reimagined into a handmade timepiece to tell the present time. It's almost magic, because you can enjoy it in the future as well.... Just don't drop it. This nifty timeless Shellac Record Clock is one of the 450 unique pieces made from real vintage shellac records. Turn back the hands of time while you enjoy the present. Works with 1 AA Battery (Not included)


Bennies Fifties